Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ayn Rand and Objectivism

I just discovered Ayn Rand and her philosophy and I am captivated. While I disagree with some of her ideas pertaining to G-d and spirituality I agree with her ideas pertaining to politics specifically capitalism and her rational approach to life.

I came across her today while reading New York magazine. The author sketched a brief biography and painted her in a rather harsh light. However despite the arguments that the author used against Ayn Rand and his negative portrayal of her character I found myself completely enraptured with this women and her philosophy of Objectivism.

 She was an intense, opinionated, argumentative, and persuasive women. She detested emotionalism and was very rational. She rejected the ordinary and superficial. These are all characteristics I admire. For it is the passionate and logical that get one far. Because listening to our emotions and being swayed by moods is what sets us up for disaster. You have to have a clear and concise goal in mind. Logic is usually accurate and setting your mind to something is more reliable than setting your heart to something. Because emotions change and logic is eternal. 

So excuse me while I got to the library and take out The Fountainhead and other books by Ayn Rand. I suggest you do the same.



  1. Looks like you just piqued my interest in her as well. I'm in the midst of researching so I can't pass any judgement, but she seems like the kind of person someone like you would appreciate...

  2. what do you mean by "someone like you"?

  3. You said you found her characteristics admirable, which obviously says something about what you like. I didn't want to sound redundant (since you already described yourself through your interests) so I just said "like you".

    (As you said, those characteristics include rationalism and "Objectivism". I'm taking an interest in also looking into her writings since I also glorify these things...)

  4. I was actually also thinking of blogging about Ayn Rand, as I'm in the middle of reading one of her books and already finished reading another one some time ago.

    I am also fascinated by her approach to the world, even though much of it opposes the Torah approach. So while I do not necessarily agree with her on everything, I feel that there is truth in some of her beliefs and writing.

  5. I've read most of her books and while captivated at first, as you describe, by the rationality and all that lovely stuff, it does have one flaw. People are not as she describes them. She paints a picture in black and white, and while her characters do relay the message she wishes to convey, they are not human.
    In either case, enjoy the books, I particularly liked Atlas Shrugged.
